RES-chains training material:

The aim was to identify sustainable renewable energy source chains (RES-Chains) to encourage sustainable development within the South Baltic Region. The training material aimed to describe the connections between renewable energy sources and customers.

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Your choices so far:
1 District cooling

What is your resource? What do you want to deliver? What is the service the customer wants?
Biomass (digestible sludge) 1 District cooling Comfortable indoor climate
Biomass (fermentable sludge) District heating Electricity
Biomass (solid) Electricity Process cooling (< 0 °C)
Geothermal Fuel: Gaseous Process heat/steam (50 - 150 °C)
Sunshine Fuel: Liquid Process heat (150 - 1000 °C)
Water Fuel: Solid Process heat (> 1000 °C)
Wind Local cooling (ind. house) Transport
Residual oils/fats etc Local heating (ind. house)


With the current change in global climate, the global warming, the need for cooling during summers will increase and this holds true for single-family houses as well as for apartment houses and public buildings.

From a thermodynamic point of view, the production of low temperatures is complicated and requires exergy. The exergy can be supplied either as relatively small amounts of electricity in compressor cooling machines or via proportionally larger amounts of low-exergy energy carriers such as hot water in absorption cooling machines. From a system point of view, the supply of relatively smaller amounts of electricity may always seem the better alternative but in such cases when thermal energy is locally available close to the cooling/freezing needs, other solutions should be considered.

In the individual building, cooling can either be produced locally – even in single rooms – by electricity-consuming AC-units, (compressor heat pumps) or it may be achieved by means of a central cooling machine and be distributed as tempered ventilation air distributed through a forced ventilation system. The latter system is often used in office- and other public buildings while the first system is not un-common in older apartment buildings.

With increasing demands with respect to the indoor climate, forced ventilation and central air-conditioning units are successively installed in more and more buildings.

In such cases when a central heating/cooling air-conditioning unit is installed in a building and the tempered air is distributed through the building by a forced ventilation system, then the technical nature of the AC-unit can easily be changed from the electricity demanding compressor heat pump into a pair of heat exchangers.

The concept of district cooling is to distribute, through under-ground pipes, cold water to the individual buildings. The cold water is then used in a heat exchanger in the building, providing a cooling of the ventilation air and thus replacing the electricity demanding compressor heat pump (the AC-unit) by a plate heat exchanger. As the cold water passes through one building after another is will successively be warmed from its starting temperature (say 5 °C) to a level when it no longer useful for efficient cooling (say 15 °C) and it is then returned to the central cooling unit, cooled to 5 °C) and then circulated again.


cooling system


As can be seen in the page treating district heating, the concept is identical – the difference being the temperature of the distributed water and that in district cooling the water is cooled in the energy plant – with district heating it is heated.

Thus, the system consists basically of three serial circuits, a production/cooling circuit, a distribution circuit and a customer circuit.

In a district cooling system, the core process is large-scale production of cold water. There are three major alternatives to do this:

District cooling can thus be produced in district heating plants using solid biomass as their main resource. A district heating plant of sufficient size to host also electricity production would not have biogas or ethanol as the main fuel but it very well have integrated different energy sources such as waste combustion, solid biomass, biogas and solar energy and in such cases, these will also be the renewable resources used for district cooling production.

The whole thing may seem a bit like magic but let's work a simple example for a fictitious city:

Now assume the very same needs but the production of three energy carriers – district cooling, electricity and district heating – takes place in a modern, biomass-fired tri-generation plant with a total efficiency 90% and an electricity efficiency 35%. Thus the efficiency for heat production becomes 55%. Finally: Biomass-firing is often assumed to have zero net emission of CO2 but this is a bit over-optimistic. For this example, 275 g/kWh biomass fuel energy is assumed. This is the same number as that used for natural gas firing in the above example and is considered a high value for biomass.

To sum up: 36.4 MWh of fuel energy is needed to provide the hot water to run the heat pumps and from that all the electricity needed is also obtained. Another 18.2 MWh of fuel energy is then needed to produce all the heat required. Adding up one finds a total of 54.6 MWh of fuel energy that needs be input corresponding to a CO2-emission of 15000 kg.

The example illustrates how modern, biomass-fired tri-generation does not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions, from 98 tonnes to 15 in this example, but also opens up for an increase in electricity production (from 10 MWh delivered to 18 in this example) while providing at the same time climate cooling and comfort heating.

For the customer one main advantage with district cooling as compared to individual cooling is that the responsibility is handed over to a central, large-scale, production plant with 24-hour manning and professional personnel. Thus, the risk for breakages and the risk that the central AC-unit must suddenly be replaced at a high cost is minimised. The price paid is, of course, a fixed fee.

From an environmental point of view, the risk for brine leakages from one central heat pump maintained by professionals is much less than the risk for brine leakages from a large number of small AC-units, operated by laymen.

From a resource economy point of view, replacing electricity consumption for low-exergy energy services by delivery of a low-exergy energy carrier and electricity production is a step towards sustainability.

Biomass-fired tri-generation is already successfully installed in a number of Swedish cities and can be seen in full, commercial operation. Of course, the same reduction in greenhouse gas emissions would be reached if the tri-generation plant was natural-gas fired – but natural gas is not a renewable resource, so that option will not be long-term sustainable.