RES-chains training material:

The aim was to identify sustainable renewable energy source chains (RES-Chains) to encourage sustainable development within the South Baltic Region. The training material aimed to describe the connections between renewable energy sources and customers.

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Your choices:
1 Electricity;   2 Water;   3 Process heat

What is your resource? What do you want to deliver? What is the service the customer wants?
Biomass (digestible sludge) District cooling Comfortable indoor climate
Biomass (fermentable sludge) District heating Electricity
Biomass (solid) 1 Electricity 3 Process cooling (< 0 °C)
Geothermal Fuel: Gaseous 3 Process heat/steam (50 - 150 °C)
Sunshine Fuel: Liquid 3 Process heat (150 - 1000 °C)
2 Water Fuel: Solid 3 Process heat (> 1000 °C)
Wind Local cooling (ind. house) Transport
Residual oils/fats etc Local heating (ind. house)


In many cases, electricity is assumed to be the main energy carrier desired by the end users, but this is not necessarily true.

The high share of exergy in flowing water means that the production of electricity can be done at exceptionally high efficiencies. At the same time – since electricity cannot be stored – the fast control of traditional hydropower installations makes hydropower the best source imaginable for electricity production. Hydropower is also already a significant part of the total electricity balance.

Hence; if the end user desires and really needs electricity, the best source is hydropower stations.

In case process electricity is produced using hydropower as the main resource it may well represent a significant share of the total electricity in the regional or local grid. In those cases, local industry may well find it worthwhile to contract the local electricity producer so as to improve their green profile in marketing.

For the end user, the unique thing with electricity is its flexibility or, in thermodynamic terminology, its high share of exergy. This makes the use of electricity in industrial processes suitable for all temperatures and a variety of processes: