RES-chains training material:

The aim was to identify sustainable renewable energy source chains (RES-Chains) to encourage sustainable development within the South Baltic Region. The training material aimed to describe the connections between renewable energy sources and customers.

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Your choices so far:
1 Wind;   2 Process heat

What is your resource? What do you want to deliver? What is the service the customer wants?
Biomass (digestible sludge) District cooling Comfortable indoor climate
Biomass (fermentable sludge) District heating Electricity
Biomass (solid) Electricity 2 Process cooling (< 0 °C)
Geothermal Fuel: Gaseous 2 Process heat/steam (50 - 150 °C)
Sunshine Fuel: Liquid 2 Process heat (150 - 1000 °C)
Water Fuel: Solid 2 Process heat (> 1000 °C)
1 Wind Local cooling (ind. house) Transport
Residual oils/fats etc Local heating (ind. house)


The supply of electricity to those processes and applications where it is necessary should be done using the highest possible efficiency – and wind production of electricity is the technology with the second highest efficiency of all.

Electricity is the king of energy carriers. The unique thing with electricity is its high share of exergy which means that it can be converted into different types of energy: mechanical work, into illumination, into extremely high or low temperatures, into pressure, into radiation of different wavelengths; it can be used to run home electronics, for transportation and – basically – any number of applications.

Freezing temperatures at process industries, such as a food processing industry or in shops must be produced locally, on-site.

Cooling and refrigerating temperatures as required in food markets or for large-scale food or medicine preservation like in food processing industries or in hospitals may be produced locally – on-site – or can be supplied via district cooling systems.

From a thermodynamic point of view, the production of low temperatures is complicated and requires exergy. The exergy can be supplied either as relatively small amounts of electricity in compressor cooling machines or via proportionally larger amounts of low-exergy energy carriers such as hot water in absorption cooling machines. From a system point of view, the supply of relatively smaller amounts of electricity may always seem the better alternative but in such cases when thermal energy is locally available close to the cooling/freezing needs, other solutions should be considered.

Food manufacturing, washing and several biotechnological and/or chemical processes require only modest temperatures like 0-150 °C. In very many cases will the companies themselves have their internal energy supply system, often centred around one or two small hot-water or steam boilers producing a heat carrier (hot water or steam) that is distributed around the production site. For temperatures in this range, only minor amounts of exergy are needed and the energy carrier should be chosen accordingly. Steam, hot oil, superheated water as well as low-quality (i.e. not upgraded) fuels like raw biogas can all be considered. Obviously, environmental constraints must be put on the use of low-quality fuels so that the outdoor air quality does not suffer.

Temperatures ranging from 150 to some 1000 °C are common in many types of industries like asphalt works, metal manufacturing and heat treatment, metal casting, glazing of ceramics end numerous others.

For processes occurring above 1000 o°C such as glass melting, steel reheating for rolling, the burning of ceramics like building brick or cement, fossil fuel firing and electricity are today the major sources of energy supply.

With electricity, king of the energy carriers, temperatures up to about 3000 °C can be reached in plasma torches.

Hence again the energy carrier should be selected with respect to the energy service desired but electricity is often the preferred choice because it is easy to control and it is clean at the end user. If the electricity was also produced in a wind power station, then the environmental impact through the whole production chain is minimised.

For large-scale customers, wind electricity can be contracted and is hence available over the grid.