RES-chains training material:

The aim was to identify sustainable renewable energy source chains (RES-Chains) to encourage sustainable development within the South Baltic Region. The training material aimed to describe the connections between renewable energy sources and customers.

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Your choices so far:
1 Comfortable indoor climate;   2 Sunshine

What is your resource? What do you want to deliver? What is the service the customer wants?
Biomass (digestible sludge) District cooling 1 Comfortable indoor climate
Biomass (fermentable sludge) District heating Electricity
Biomass (solid) Electricity Process cooling (< 0 °C)
Geothermal Fuel: Gaseous Process heat/steam (50 - 150 °C)
2 Sunshine Fuel: Liquid Process heat (150 - 1000 °C)
Water Fuel: Solid Process heat (> 1000 °C)
Wind Local cooling (ind. house) Transport
Residual oils/fats etc Local heating (ind. house)


Systems for the use of solar energy for small-scale heating purposes are commonly separated into two different types:

In the larger scale, solar heating may well provide a significant contribution to district heating systems: With a solar panel, collection efficiencies well in excess of 90% are common and supposing then that the panels are oriented at a right angle to the sun and that the incident radiation is 800 W/m2 one may collect a bit more than 700 W/m2. Further assuming that the district heating system needs 7 MW we find that 10 000 m2 of solar collectors will be needed to produce the thermal power decided. The simple, flat-plate type of solar collector is also quite cheap. So even though solar heating systems for district heat applications thus tend to become quite big they may still serve as a complement to easily controllable, preferably fuel-fired heating.

Solar energy is in itself not well suited for the production of district cooling. However, if solar heat production is integrated in a district heating system large enough to host tri-generation, then part of the cooling supplied will actually originate from solar energy.